Town Square Community Center

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Mary-Jo Johnson

Mary-Jo Johnson became aware of Town Square when she was a chair of the adhoc committee formed to determine the best use for the Green Lake County Courthouse that is now your community center. Through that process, Mary-Jo felt strongly about becoming involved with Town Square as she saw it as being an essential part of your community. 

Mary-Jo has volunteered and participated in programs and events like Town Square Bingo, Party on the Pond, and being a docent at the information desk in the Town Square lobby.

As an experienced entrepreneur and owner of McConnell Inn in Green Lake, Mary-Jo is also an important member of the Town Square Business Solutions that helps guide and mentor new or existing businesses.

Mary-Jo has shared many favorite memories but one of her favorites is when board president, Fran Hill, coined the phrase "Town Square Moments" to describe when the numerous time Town Square recognized a need or a new idea and suddenly someone came through the door with exactly what we were looking for. 

Mary-Jo encourages you to check out what Town Square Community Center has to offer especially if you are someone with a few free hours a week to be a docent at the information desk or are a new or existing business looking for guidance and support to launch or grow your business. For more information, stop in, call 920-807-0008, or e-mail