Town Square Community Center

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Top 5 Perks to Volunteering at Town Square

  1. Freshen Up Your Resume - Would you like to learn a new skill? Are you currently looking for a job and need to keep your resume fresh? Volunteering at Town Square allows you to develop your customer service, people, and management skills. Perhaps you know or are a student in need of volunteer hours to graduate so why not fulfill them in your own community?

  2. Make New Friends - Town Square can be a wonderful way to connect with other members of the Green Lake community. Volunteering with people who have similar interests is not only a positive way to spend your time but also expand your circle of friends. You may find that lasting friendship you didn’t even know you needed. 

  3. Unique Experiences - Not only will you be in the loop about what’s happening in your own community but, at Town Square, you can get firsthand experience behind the scenes including how large events and new programs come together. You will even meet interesting and inspiring teachers, artists, musicians, leaders, and business professionals that may change your perspective or awareness. 

  4. Sense of Purpose - Do you feel like you are in a rut? Whether you are a young student trying to find direction or you are an empty nester ready to start a new chapter of your life, volunteering at Town Square will give you a huge sense of accomplishment. When you feel good, you become even more motivated. This certainly will help boost anyone’s self-esteem.  

  5. Good for Your Mental Health - Thankfully, mental health is being talked about more and more these days. According to the Mayo Health Clinic, studies have shown volunteering can benefit your mental well-being including reducing stress, handling high blood pressure, decrease depression, and increased longevity. 

If at any point on this list, one of these perks struck home with you, JOIN US! 

For more information on how to volunteer at Town Square Community Center, visit