Town Square Community Center

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Annual Appeal: Claire's Story

I moved to Green Lake in 2013 after my husband, Andy, took a job at ThedaCare in Berlin. Before we even moved here, we were visiting Dr. Willett and he told us about the old County Courthouse in Green Lake and the group of community members who saved it. I thought it was so cool. By the time we moved here, I already felt connected to Town Square and the story behind it. I felt excited to be part of something so impactful.

Town Square is such a big part of my life. If I wasn’t involved with it, life in Green Lake would look very different for me and my family. And not in a good way! 

I’m an interior designer and, if I hadn’t gotten involved with Town Square, I wouldn't have cool, local art to buy for my clients. I wouldn't have a convenient farmers market to go to every week. There wouldn't be fun activities for my kids to attend.

When we moved here, Town Square was working on new programs for kids and I took on this role as “Town Square mom.” Seeing the transformation of children's programming over the years, from small classes to large community events like Dino Daze, has been so inspiring. Things just get better and better.

Town Square has allowed me to meet other families. I love that it provides a place for people to get together and draws attention to Green Lake. One of my mottos is “More is always more.” I just want more people to see what we do here and take part in all the fun. More people means more fun! 

Please join me in supporting Town Square with its annual appeal. I know you’re busy, but It’s easy to donate and only takes two minutes. Your donation makes “more” possible.