Your Legacy

Updating or creating your will or other estate plan may seem like a daunting task, but it’s often easier than you think. It’s an important, simple step that provides peace of mind while ensuring your legacy supports what you value most.

As you reflect on your legacy, I hope you'll consider including a gift to Town Square Community Center in your estate plans. By supporting Town Square through a planned gift, you’ll have a significant and lasting impact on our community and will help ensure our long term financial security to ensure the historic building remains open and vibrant for future generations.

You can use the language below as an amendment to your current will or living trust, or please contact me if you’d like to learn more. Kris Anderson, kanderson@greenlaketownsquare or 920-807-0008.

 Bequest Language
I give to Green Lake Renewal, DBA Town Square Community Center, (tax I.D. 26-4753668), located in Green Lake, Wisconsin, [insert $ amount, or state a percentage of your estate, or describe gifted assets, including exact location] for the benefit of its general purposes [or specify the Town Square program that you wish to support].