The best of the Green Lake area’s brains, energy, creativity, experience and optimism.


Board of Directors

The Town Square Board of Directors and serves as the organization’s most important resource for advice on what to do and how to get it done.

In addition to their advisory role, members of the Town Square Board of Directors are ambassadors for the organization. As the recognized thought leaders in the Green Lake area community, they spread the message of how our efforts are transforming the Green Lake area into a model for small communities to thrive into the 21st century. As such, Board members are the first to know when plans are being formulated and announcements are about to be made. 


Amy Arnetveit
Owner, Fusion Creative 

Phil Burkart

Rich Christian
Owner, Sedgwick Productions

Mary Cyrier
Human Resources Consultant and Health Clinic Administrator

Drew Diedrich
Owner, Diedrich Insurance Agency

Michael Fine
JP Morgan Asset Based Lending Group

Mark Furlong

Elizabeth Goodspeed
Retired educator

Fran Hill

Greg Lundberg
President & CEO, Fortifi Bank

Jo Ellen Madden
Professional Musician

Claire Maes
Owner, Claire Maes Design

Lorraine Neumann

Eileen Pfeifer

Tim Quernemoen
Co-CEO/COO, Triple Crown Products

Jean Regan
CEO & President, Tranzact Technologies

Justin Sondalle
Attorney, Sondalle Law

Dean Sotter
Founder & President, Grandview Partners

Jeff Tate

Eileen Vandervelde
Real Estate Broker, @Properties

Brigid Yeomans
Co-Owner, Yeomans Edinger Chiropractic


Executive Team

If life is a game of chess, our Executive Team helps us make the best moves, from developing efficient processes to establishing bold goals. But this group prioritizes both strategy and soul - the Green Lake community is always front and center in their decision-making.


Mary Cyrier

Elizabeth Goodspeed

Greg Lundberg
Vice President

Dean Sotter



Our community-oriented team keep Town Square running all year round. These creative individuals cull the many (MANY) ideas and bring the best ones to life. They are focused on collaboration and teamwork that keep Town Square and downtown Green Lake buzzing.


Kris Anderson
Executive Director

Zoe Niemuth
Program Coordinator

Mae Wilton
Marketing Consultant

Tami Doering
Operational Manager

Jina Quade
Event Coordinator

Timothy Bachleitner
Maintenance Consultant