Boni's Lemon Squares with Boni Jensen
Boni with her “Biological Children,” Chris Jensen, Pete Jensen and Heidi Darley
About Boni: When Green Lake starts a reality show--which it should--Boni Jensen will definitely play the starring role. The "House Mother" of our community, she surrounds herself with characters of all types: Crazy Boaters, Small Children, Creative Folks--and she takes good care of all of us.
She is a Town Square docent, (wo)manning the front desk every week. She plays bingo. She volunteers for Town Square Movie Night. She's in with the birding crowd....the cooking crowd ....the sewing crowd.....heck, she's pretty much in with EVERY crowd.
Just don't ask her to do something when it's Bowling Night. She really lays down the law on that one.
Editor's note: I had taken to calling Boni "BonBon." Not sure why. It just seemed to fit. Just found out that her original name was Boni Bon. No kidding. Well, she's sweet and you can't seem to get enough of her, so it all makes sense
1/8 of a sensible serving of Boni’s Lemon Squares
Boni's Lemon Squares
By Celebrity Chef Boni Jensen
TRY to share with your spouse. Do not expect to succeed.