As the world slowly comes back to “normal”, the 2021 Green Lake Bird Festival will still fly! At least somewhat. This year, the festival will partake in the Fantastic Four Field Trip Extravaganza. This new experience will allow the bird club to flock together once again, while still keeping wingtip distance.
Starting Friday at 7:00 am, participants can park along the road west of the TEA HOUSE in the Green Lake Conference Center and walk through the Assembly Creek and Springs Conservancy – via Hammer’s Trail.
Friday at 6:00 pm, meet at the parking lot BEHIND Town Square (Mill Pond Terrace) to caravan to the Puchyan Marsh to listen for Woodcock, Snipe, Sandhill Cranes, and other marsh birds settling in for the evening.
Saturday at 6:00 am, meet at the Sunnyside Conservancy (along Lakeview Drive, south from Sunnyside Road) for a morning bird hike.
Saturday evening, meet at the parking lot BEHIND Town Square at 7:00 pm to caravan to Huckleberry Road to listen for Owls.
Extra binoculars will be available, but participants should bring them if they can.
Any further questions can be directed to Tom Schultz at 920-960-1796 or they by email
The Green Lake Bird Festival started in 2013, when local birding enthusiasts, led by Tom Schultz, sought to earn the designation Bird City Wisconsin for Green Lake. With the addition of the Bird Festival, Green Lake was named Bird City Wisconsin in 2014. The following January, the Green Lake Bird and Nature Club launched, with Town Square Community Center as its home. Meeting from September through May, the club attracts audiences from 60 to 100 to its meetings and presentations. The club frequently hosts field trips to nearby birding destinations and offers special presentations during the summer months. The Green Lake Bird and Nature Club facebook group has nearly 500 members.