Green Lake Renewal Receives $10,000 Matching Gift Challenge

When Green Lake Renewal’s latest initiative, Mill Pond Terrace at Town Square, was introduced at its annual White Hot Party, the kick-off target of $50,000 was met with more than $92,000 in donations toward the project. Green Lake Renewal has now received a $10,000 matching gift challenge from John and Mary Madden, encouraging the community to double the impact of their gift to the Mill Pond Terrace.

“We were in complete awe of the generous outpouring at the White Hot Party,” said Fran Hill, Green Lake Renewal CEO. “Our friends Joe and Tina Pregont really took the lead with a generous $50,000 gift. Now, with longtime Green Lake Renewal supporters John and Mary Madden stepping forward with a thoughtful $10,000 matching challenge, we are confident that we'll reach our $200,000 goal.”

Green Lake Renewal aims to complete the Mill Pond Terrace (MPT) project in 2018. To take advantage of this matching challenge, supporters can make donations online at or mail a check to Green Lake Renewal at PO Box 608 Green Lake WI 54941 with MPT in the memo. Contributors of $100 gifts and more will also have their names inscribed on a beautiful Mill Pond Terrace plaque.

The exciting revitalization project will take the weedy, unused and unattractive area behind Town Square community center and transform it into a vibrant gathering space for the growing Market at Town Square, attracting vendors, activities and events to Green Lake’s downtown, all with a spectacular view of the Green Lake Mill Pond that everyone will enjoy.

In all, the project has raised $112,450.00 to date. Funds raised from both donations and grants will cover landscaping, an irrigation system, terracing, sidewalk connecting Town Square’s east lawn to the new area, steps to each level, recycling and trash receptacles, restrooms, refurbished parking lot, lighting, electrical, water outlets and more.

“We know from past experiences of developing the Deacon Mills Wharf, Town Square community center, Green Lake Kitchens, Green Lake Fitness 24/7 and other projects how terrific this Green Lake area is for working together to make a positive difference for us now and for future generations,” said Phil Burkart, Green Lake Renewal Board Member.  “Green Lake is very special and we all care about its vitality and sustainability."

To learn more about the Mill Pond Terrace project, visit