Top 4 Things YOU Can Do at Town Square Next Week!

What Are YOUR Resolutions for 2021? No matter your interests, Town Square Community Center has YOU covered with a series of inspiring, thoughtful, and entertaining programs to break up the monotony of these chilly months for you
and your family. 

Check out the many ways Town Square continues to find creative ways to keep you connected and active next week. And this is just ONE WEEK! 

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1) Start the New Year with a Really Good Stretch: It’s time for YOU to restore and recenter your chakras and start 2021 off right! NEW, fun, and restorative yoga classes start this Saturday, January 2, 9-10 a.m., with Carol Skivington of Free Spirit Yoga at Town Square in Studio A. Are you new to yoga or consider yourself a yogi? Carol teaches at all levels and can’t wait to share her yoga passion with YOU! Find out more about Carol’s weekly classes (in-person and Zoom options available), and how to
register today! You won’t regret it!    


2) Have a “Soup-er” Fun Time With Celebrity Chef Hazelberg: Our monthly cooking classes are starting with a fantastic demonstration by Green Lake’s very own “Soup-erstar” Chef Trent Hazelberg at the stove. This virtual live event, Tuesday, January 5, 7-8 p.m. will be ever-entertaining as Trent shows you how to make a Healthy Italian Vegetable and Bean Soup. Next week’s class registration closes on Monday, January 4, at 4 p.m.
Sign up today!

3) Try Something You Never Thought You Could Do: Have you always wanted to try to learn new skills but were intimidated? Marshall Gardner is ready to help take your fears away by leading a NEW Poet’s Workshop for Teens to Adults. Whether you are a writer or NOT a writer, creative or NOT creative, he will teach you how to express yourself in a more impactful way, sharpen your analytical skills, and open your mind to new ideas. This virtual live event has six interactive sessions that start on
Wednesday, January 6, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Learn more and register today!

4) Travel the Globe and Get Inspired by January’s Featured Artist: Join us for a social-distanced artist reception Friday, January 8, 5-6 p.m., featuring the watercolors of local artist, Ginger White. Ginger, a student of local instructor Pat Dobrinska, has traveled the world. Everywhere she goes, her sketchbook and tin of watercolors are at her side as Ginger loves painting outdoors. The artist reception is free and open to the public.

We look forward to making new memories with you next year!