Phil Burkart

It’s rough out there this year! How do you save money? Where can you cut costs? Enter Phil Burkart, Town Square’s idea man and volunteer extraordinaire. Green Lake’s former county courthouse campus--now the Town Square Community Center--encompasses nearly a full city block in Green Lake, with the historic courthouse building and lovely lawns as the main attraction. Keeping our crown jewel shining is no easy task.

This year, after taking a long, hard look at the Town Square budget, Phil stepped right up with ideas and personal manpower to save money. He’s mowing the lawn. He’s trimming the bushes. He’s raking. He’s mulching. He’s watering.

Back inside of Town Square, with bingo on hold for now (Yes, it’s Phil that brought community bingo to Town Square), he’s collecting items to auction off to help make ends meet at the community center. While many founders get things started and then walk away, Phil stays close to the action, doing whatever is necessary to get the job done. Thank you, Phil Burkart, for your never-ending
dedication to Town Square and our community!

Note: There’s a home for everything. If you have something that you no longer want or need, just call Phil at 920-369-0141. He’ll auction it off for you, and the proceeds will help Town Square. Win. Win.