Boni Jensen

July 23, 2020, Green Lake, WI - Have you wondered how Town Square keeps guests informed, phones answered, events coordinated, and resources saved? Volunteers! Volunteers play such an important part in the success of this place, and a familiar face has recently returned to do just that. Welcome back Boni! 

Boni can be found helping with everything from ringing up customer purchases or passing out food and beverages at a variety of events. She is willing to assist with all tasks, big or small, and has been doing it for years!

For years, Boni has been invested in the community. It started with what she feels was something as simple as weeding the downtown area and has evolved over the years. Volunteering comes natural to Boni and she credits her mother as she was very involved in her community when growing up. 

As a Town Square volunteer, Boni says “You are in the know.” “Who’s teaching what class? What’s happening this weekend or that weekend? Where is the fun happening? There is always something happening. She encourages people to become a volunteer and experience first hand the interesting and inspiring people who come through this place.

As for the future, Boni sees Town Square growing and continuing to help meet the needs of the community. Something she has already experienced over the past eight years.  

When Boni isn’t volunteering at Town Square, she is spending time with her friends and family, gardening, sewing, and singing. She is a busy lady and we really appreciate her time. 

Thank you Boni!