Town Square Reflections With Marge Bostelmann

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If you’ve been around Green Lake long enough, Marge Bostelmann is a recognizable name.

Once you’ve talked to her, you quickly understand that her ties to what was the Green Lake County Courthouse and is now the Town Square Community Center building are deep – both past and present. 

Marge and her husband, Bob, moved to Green Lake from Chicago in 1976. They had been married a year and were expecting their first child. They knew they wanted their children to be raised here. Her husband spent summers growing up in Green Lake, and his parents had already made the beautiful lake town their permanent residence when they decided to make the move. They wanted to make Green Lake home.

What was Marge’s first connection with the large, brick structure on Mill and Hill’s corner? After starting a few businesses of her own with accounting and administration experience, she was asked to run for Green Lake County Clerk and served in that role for 24 years before she retired in January of 2017. Marge’s office was what is now the Christine Ann Center’s office on the main level of Town Square. What was once the County Board Room is now Studio A. Marge also remembers the small courtroom, which is now the Bird Room conference room, and the large courtroom which is now the Ballroom. 

The courtrooms served many purposes including adoptions and marriages,” says Marge. “I was invited to attend adoption ceremonies for two of our foster children. They are happy memories.

Marge also recalls the numerous students who would come to the courthouse each April for Student Government Day. Students would meet with the various government departments, learn about exercising their voice, and do their own reports in the County Board Room. A valuable learning experience for everyone involved.

What was very memorable for Marge was when the county had finally decided to sell the old County Courthouse to what is now Town Square Community Center for only a $1. Marge was an early supporter of the mission to make this building stay useful to the community and not just sit empty. Marge remembers fondly the day Fran Hill came to pay the $1 agreed upon. She even swapped out and framed the actual dollar the Fran brought in. 

Fran wasn’t far behind when Marge retired, quickly asking her to join the Town Square Board of Directors. Watching all the good Town Square was doing for the community, she was honored to be asked to be a part of the organization. 

Not only is Marge part of the organization’s board, but she is an active mentor for Town Square Business Solutions. Along with other seasoned professionals, she volunteers to work with entrepreneurs, service providers, capital connections, and other resources to help launch new businesses and grow existing companies that will create sustainable jobs in our community. Marge is currently assisting two businesses, including a daycare where her foster children used to go. 

For years, Marge has been dedicated to making sure the community continues to thrive. Whether as a Town Square Board member or an active participant in other county organizations, Marge wants everyone to see what a wonderful place Green Lake is to visit or live.

We will continue to focus on wellness, the arts, food markets, and programs for kids. Everyone associated with Town Square has a love of Green Lake and want to be a part of preserving what makes this community so special.
Administrator Town Square