Annual Appeal: Diane's Story

After a super busy career in the Milwaukee area as a nurse for 40 years, I need to be DOING something every day. There’s no way I could sit idle in retirement and that’s why I love Town Square. There is something going on all the time.

Town Square is a place where all different kinds of people work together. You find all of these different people who bring different talents to the table. These are people who DO things and people who BELIEVE in things. The energy here is contagious. If you’ve felt it, you know. 

My favorite is volunteering for the monthly bingo game and finding costumes to fit the different themes. I send my friends and family pictures and they can’t believe how much fun I’m having. Sometimes I can’t either! 

Without Town Square Community Center, Green Lake would be a dying town. You wouldn’t have the shops or the grocery store. And look at all the summer festivals! They center around Town Square. It’s important to have a center that brings people together. If everyone adds a little bit, look what happens. It snowballs. And you get Town Square. 

I feel proud bringing people to Town Square. I’m proud that it was created with all volunteer work and donations. And it just keeps growing. 

The more people that get involved, the easier and better it gets. So please join me in supporting all of the wonderful Town Square programs and events by donating to the 2021 Annual Appeal.

Administrator Town Square