Annual Appeal: Tom & Wendy's Story

Our interest in Town Square began soon after the courthouse and their many offices moved to its new location and this beautiful old building became available. So many interesting discussions began to fly around, and the possibilities seemed endless. After the talk turned to creating a community center, we were THRILLED. Living in the Green Lake area for over 30 years, we knew there was a need for a venue like this. 

For years our dream had been to establish a new group for nature lovers, and in January of 2015 we started the Green Lake Bird and Nature Club. This would not have happened without the wonderful support of Town Square. Because of their generosity, we began to meet monthly in what became known as “the bird room” on the second floor. The number of attendees has grown steadily over the years.

Town Square has also provided meeting spaces for our annual Green Lake Bird Festival and Bird City Celebration and has served as the registration headquarters for the Green Lake 13dot1 Half Marathon, which we were also involved in. We love the location and feel proud to bring hundreds of people into the building.

Lastly, as a professional wildlife artist, I have had a number of gallery showings in the main lobby over the years and appreciate the exposure Town Square provides for my work. They are wonderful to work with and we couldn’t be happier.

We have often said “if this building could only talk” it would surely be smiling with the variety of FUN events taking place under its roof. 

Please join us by generously donating to Town Square’s Annual Appeal so we can all continue to celebrate the many benefits of this wonderful community center!

Administrator Town Square