Town Square Community Center

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Mission Control Team Welcomes Ami Gerstein

Your weather forecast: Tuesday Morning will be Sunny! With the Tuesday morning addition of volunteer Ami Gerstein to Town Square’s front desk Mission Control Team, that forecast is guaranteed. Because even Tuesday morning isn’t sunny outside, you can be sure it will be sunny inside your community center.

This past Tuesday morning, Ami took the helm for the first time at Mission Control, and posted notes, organized, worked through envelopes, helped fitness center members, sold goodies from Hangers Resale, pasted labels on brochures, and dusted around Town Square. All while smiling, greeting visitors, and answering questions. We asked her how it went. Her simple response: “Fun!”

Although Ami has lived all over the world--Spain, Hungary, Belgium, and throughout the USA--Green Lake is her favorite place. She explains why: “Because of the people. I love the sense of community and how it has supported my family. You have made us who we are.”

The Gerstein family has definitely been a big part of the Green Lake community since Ami’s husband Richard’s parents purchased a home here in 2000. After visiting them here, Ami and Richard set down roots by getting a place of their own in 2007. Sons Jack, Ben, and Will got involved right away, following their own passions: Jack is the sailor, racing with the Green Lake Yacht Club. Ben is a scientist working to stem invasive species in the lake. And Will is the entrepreneur, starting his Bucket Wings business from Green Lake Kitchens here at Town Square.

When she’s not here at Town Square, Ami tutors young readers through kindergarten and first grade, and she loves it “when their eyes light up because they get it.”

Ami obviously gets it, too. “I’m here because I wanted to help. This community has always supported my family, so I want to support the community.”

Thank you, Ami! And welcome to Mission Control!