It's the White Hot Party!
Everyone’s been asking about it, so Here it IS! You ask. We answer.
You: What is it?
Us: It’s THE Party of the Summer - The White Hot Party…Town Square Community Center’s biggest fundraiser of the year.
You: When is it?
Us: July 10
You: Where is it? (Should I bring my water wings?)
Us: We’re getting our land legs back. At the beautiful home of Mike and Jean Regan at Blackbird Point.
Bartender! Bartender! We could use another round over here!
You: What on earth are you talking about?
Us: I see you’re new here. All the more reason to come to the party. Last year, during Covid, we had the incredibly ridiculous idea of taking the party to the water. As with all ideas of that type, we went for it. (Sort of like building a community center out of nothing.)
You: I was sort of planning on just lazing about on the evening of July 10. I mean, I have to wash my cat. What do I get if I come?
Us: Well, you GET an evening of fun, of course. But EVEN BETTER, you GET to change lives. You GET community events, programs for kids, wellness, and the arts. You GET to save the most important historic structure in Green Lake. You GET to live in a wonderful, vibrant and spirited community.
For super extra oomph - click here to become a White Hot Party SPONSOR!
You: What’s up with the wearing white part? I haven’t a thing to wear!
Us: Calm down. Calm down. With everyone in white and all white decorations, this party feels like a fantasy world. So stunning and pretty. But living in Green Lake is a little like living a fantasy every day, isn’t it? Just put on something white. White shorts and tee shirts blend in perfectly with white lace gowns. It all just works.
You: Hmmmm….Tighty whities ok?
Us: Might want to try the layered look with that.
Click here to get your party tickets today….doing GOOD feels GREAT!