The Wing King is BACK

Meet the Wing King

Will Gerstein learned about business the old fashioned way. He just started doing it. And he learned about marketing the new-fashioned way. He just started doing it. See him in action this Saturday, June 5, from 10 am-Noon at Town Square’s Open House.

Last summer, between high school and college, Will launched his Bucket Wings business from Green Lake Kitchens at Town Square, and was immediately dubbed the Wing King by his now 50,000 Tic Toc social media followers. By late summer, he had kids coming up from Chicago and Indiana to meet him and buy his wings. And the time he started his freshman year at The University of North Carolina, they were calling him “an empire.” 

“My first day at college, I was in the cafeteria wearing one of my Bucket Wings tee shirts,” explained Will. “This kid walks up to me and asks me If I follow Bucket Wings on Tic Toc. So I said to him, ‘Dude. I am Bucket Wings.”

Will’s approach to marketing is even more fun than the product he sells--a bucket of wings with a choice of a dozen different sauces. His zany videos have created arguments that have turned into inside jokes on his page. Are boneless better than normal Wings? Is ranch better than blue cheese? His “public service announcement” that ranch is better than blue cheese attracted 200,000 views in a single day.

As a college freshman, he travelled to Miami of Ohio to speak to a senior business class about small business, the entrepreneurial mindset and social media. “Kids text me all the time asking for tips about starting a business, and I respond to every one. A kid in New York wanted to start a hot dog stand. My advice: Understand the law. Find busy times. Start Small.”

Start small. Right. 

Wing King Will’s Bucket Wings, operating from Green Lake Kitchens behind Mill Pond Terrace is open through the summer Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays for lunch and dinner. You can enjoy them right on the beautiful Mill Pond Terrace...Order your wings by calling 920-290-8208 online at

Thanks to all Town Square supporters for helping Will and other young entrepreneurs get their start. That’s what the Power of Community is all about!