Get to Know The Green Lake Show Guests: Part II

Meet two of the guests who will be appearing on the very first live-taped Green Lake Show on January 15! The Green Lake Show is styled after late-night talk shows (but at a reasonable, pre-dinner hour) with special guests, musical interludes and lots of wacky banter from our community's cast of characters.

Next up: Karen Wisehart and Elvis Presley. Karen is a ballroom dance instructor and will be sharing some moves with the audience. Elvis will be in the building previewing our Supper Club Dinner on April 23. He won’t be able to attend our supper club event, but one of his stand-ins will be supplying the entertainment that evening.

Click here for all the show details! FREE to attend.

Karen Wisehart, ballroom dance instructor

Originally from: Virginia, Hawaii, Ohio, Michigan, Maine, Rhode Island, Alaska, Florida and Wisconsin (and have traveled through most of the country), but mostly Florida.

Three things people should know about you: 1. ) I have two children: boys, ages 16 and 23. 2.) I love: animals, nature, travel, art and music. 3.) I am an introvert and have social anxiety. It gets awkward.

Your secret power: Usually, I am able to understand (and even debate) all sides of an issue. It's both a blessing and a curse. I am a good mediator but have a hard time making decisions. Also, Scrabble. I will win.

Smartest thing you ever did: I don't think that's happened yet. Gives me something to look forward to.

Dumbest thing you ever did: There are too many to mention. I did drive a car that was on fire one time.

Favorite thing about Town Square: The kind people I've met there, its inclusiveness and variety.


Elvis Presley, The King of Rock and Roll

Originally from: Tupelo, Mississippi

Three things people should know about you: 1.) I’m a black belt in karate. 2.) My twin, Jesse, died at birth and I miss him every day. 3.) I served two years of active duty in the Army and four years in the reserves.

Three things in your refrigerator right now: peanut butter, bananas, bacon

Your secret power: Hip gyration and pelvic thrusts. It’s not that big of a secret, but it sure is powerful.

What's on your bucket list: to be inducted into a sixth Hall of Fame and perform on every continent

Your perfect day: Practicing some karate, playing some guitar, hanging out with Scatter, my pet chimp and ending the day with a party at Graceland Mansion.

Who is your personal hero and why? My mother, Gladys. She cared for me while my father was away working (and in prison) and always supported my dreams.

Your favorite thing about Town Square: the fantastic Club Nights featuring music, of course!

Administrator Town Square