Giving Tuesday is your Make-A-Difference Shopportunity
Do you like to...
Give gifts that keep on giving?
Chip in with others to give an extra-special gift?
Give gifts that people will actually USE?
If so, Town Square Community Center’s Giving Tuesday 2020 is for you!
Our Giving Tuesday Poster Boy and Marketing Coordinator, Will Kloiber
Tune in to the fun starting on Monday, November 30, when Town Square Giving Tuesday POSTER BOY WILL KLOIBER (aka Town Square Marketing Coordinator) gives us his recipe to feed 42,000 people in the Town Square Cookbook.
What? 42,000 people?
Every year, more than 42,000 individual visitors come to Town Square Community Center.
So our holiday shopping list is a long one: Serving so many community members, family members, guests, and visitors takes… stuff. Lotsa stuff. Paper towels. Bathroom Cleaner. Paper. Tape. Staples. Light Bulbs. Vacuum cleaners. Computers. Boiler Chemicals. Fire Extinguishers. ETC! You know… stuff.
On Giving Tuesday, December 1st, starting at 7:00 am, follow along with POSTER BOY WILL to help buy supplies and necessities to fill three special Holiday Gift Boxes. Gifts that your fellow Green Lake community members will be using throughout 2021
Gift Box Number One: Chip in for Office and cleaning supplies to get Town Square through 2021, including hundreds of packages of paper towels, stacks of toilet paper, copier paper, office supplies, and cleaning supplies. Gift Box Cost: $5,000. Goal: Fill this gift box by 10 am.
Gift Box Number Two: Chip in for Building upkeep supplies to get Town Square through 2021, including fire extinguishers, boiler chemicals, plumbing and electrical supplies, salt, mulch, and more. Gift Box Cost: $5,000. Goal: Fill this gift box by 3 pm.
Gift Box Number Three: Chip in for Replacement supplies to get Town Square through 2021, including replacements for barely-still-functioning vacuum cleaners, whiteboards, and computers. Gift Box Cost: $5,000. Goal: Fill this gift box by 7 pm.