National Letters to Santa Week
Find this box in the Town Square Lobby!
Monday, November 9, kicks off National“Dear Santa” Letter Week in the United States. Each year, over 500,000 letters are sent to Jolly Old St. Nicholas to his residence in the North Pole. Town Square Community Center has a team of “elves” who are here to help get those Christmas wish lists to the big man himself.
The tradition of writing letters to Santa dates back to the turn of the 20th century when local post offices were given permission to “assist” getting replies back to children with their Christmas lists. Since then, the contents of the letters have changed, even straying away from cursive as most kids today cannot read it.
At Town Square Community Center, you have 2 choices for your letters:
Print out the special form here, and hand write it
Use your own paper and create your list however you wish
Kids can drop off their lists in the Town Square Community Center lobby on or before Monday, December 14, to make sure we can get them to Santa in time.
Make sure each the envelope is addressed to:
Santa Claus
325 S. Santa Claus Lane
North Pole, Alaska 99705