Dale & Ginny Wszalek


When Dale and Ginny Wszalek showed up to spend their Valentine’s Day together helping to paint the Town Square Lobby, they brought with them energy, tools, and definite ideas of what makes a community work. This past Sunday afternoon, Dale edged. Ginny rolled. And everybody chatted about a little bit of everything.

Later, the conversation turned to what makes this fun and generous couple tick. What makes you show up on the most romantic day of the year to give back to your community?

Life requires respiration, the manufacturing of energy required to exist. A community can be a place or a circumstance. But for it to be alive, to exist fully, it needs the fresh, crisp, clean air of ideas, knowledge, and visions. Town Square is the gathering place for that renewal, that respiration, that life.
— Dale Wszalek


Ginny, a lifelong Green Laker, and Dale, who moved to Ripon from Texas in 1990, met working for Walgreen’s pharmacies, where they discovered a shared work ethic and a similar way of approaching life. Now living in Green Lake, they’ve been coming to Town Square as a resource for learning photography, discovering area bicycle routes and electric bikes, enjoying outdoor movies, and feasting on the produce from the farmers’ markets. 

At work as Walgreen’s pharmacy staff members, Dale and Ginny have had to add another level of patient service and care during the pandemic, adding to their already very-busy careers. So our community is incredibly grateful to them for taking their precious time off to jump in and volunteer!

We realize that it’s always a small percentage of a given community that invests the work required to keep that community healthy and vibrant. We’ve been receiving the fruits of those individuals’ labor. Now is the time to pay back.
— Dale Wszalek

Thank you, Dale and Ginny!