January is National Clean-Out-Your-Closet Month

Hangers, Green Lake's friendly neighborhood resale shop, invites the community to partake in national “Clean Out Your Closet” month by bringing women’s clothing and accessories to Town Square. From now through January, donors will receive a “10% off” coupon for one of two participating local retail stores in Downtown Green Lake, Dish and Gysbers Jewelry, along with a tax-receipt from the non-profit Green Lake Renewal.

“It’s time to give yourself a fresh start,” says Kate Salas of Green Lake Renewal. “Donate your new or gently used items and treat yourself to the latest fashions from Gysbers Jewelry and Dish!”

The shop’s hours of operation are 9:00 am to 5:00 on weekdays and 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturdays. Proceeds from every item sold at Hangers are used to support the community revitalization projects of the non-profit organization Green Lake Renewal, including Town Square community center, Green Lake Fitness 24/7 and Green Lake Kitchens.