2021 Programs & Events Sneak Peek

Your Itinerary to Incredible Experiences

The road out of 2020 may feel endless, but don’t despair, 2021 is guaranteed to be an exciting ride! Do we have the general itinerary planned? You bet we do. Are all the detours included on our map? Nope. Will, we hit a few potholes? Probably. Do we have our essentials packed in case of an emergency? Always. Will the drive be full of unscheduled pit stops, amazing playlists, and incredible experiences? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!

 This trip of a lifetime can only happen because of the generosity of your community and Town Square supporters. We look forward to taking this unpredictable but memorable 2021 road trip with all of you.

 Get a sneak peek of the Town Square Community Center 2021 Programs and Events below and check out what next year has to offer for everyone. Buckle up and enjoy the preview!