Jennifer Luedke

Jennifer Luedke and her family have pledged to “Live Generously.” With the help of The Market at Town Square and Thrivent Financial’s Action Team Grant program, the Luedkes’ were able to meet their new neighbors and gift seven unique welcome baskets with goodies from The Market.

Jennifer, a Thrivent employee, and husband Nathan, son Elliott (15), and daughter Esri (13) feel it is essential to be of service to the community. Since the Luedkes’ had recently moved and didn’t know their neighbors, they brainstormed a creative plan and successfully applied for an Action Team Grant. 

As part of the Thrivent Financial family, the Luedkes’ qualified to apply for this unique grant and receive $250 in seed money to help support a one-time fundraiser, service activity, or educational event. 

“A friend told me about The Market at Town Square, and I wanted to find a way to connect the community (aka her neighbors) to the local farmers while finding a fun way to meet our new neighbors.” Jennifer shared. “I was pleased that we could use our $250 seed money to purchase items from Boerson Farm, Olive Juice Farms, and Sandy Fox Farms to complete our welcome baskets.” 

Once Jennifer got all of her goodies home, the Luedke family and friends distributed the baskets to their unsuspecting neighbors. People were pleasantly surprised and appreciated the thoughtfulness of their new neighbors. 

This is the fourth time the Luedkes’ has used the grant. Previously they served Thanksgiving meals to those who otherwise would have spent the holiday alone, supplied blankets and toys to a local animal shelter, and gave much-needed supplies to a local women’s shelter. 

Pictured in the group photo below is (L to R) Clare Walker, Esri Luedke, and Jenny Luedke. Katie Lund, not pictured, also volunteered to distribute baskets.