Posts tagged film festival
Freeland Film Festival Brings Filmmaker Colin Sytsma to Town Square for Public Discussion

Colin Sytsma will be showing clips from his latest film, Stolen Apes, on Saturday, April 27 at the Town Square Community Center. The program will start at 1:00 pm and run for 60-90 minutes. This program is free and open to the public.

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Green Lake's Freeland Film Festival Uses Power of Storytelling as a Weapon of Change

Over 50 new documentaries will be screened across 3 days, Friday, June 15 thru Sunday, June 17, attracting local and international audiences to Green Lake, WI. They are the stories of vulnerable people, wildlife and ecosystems that are making a comeback, against extraordinary odds.  Many films are already gaining attention on the awards circuit, some tipped as serious Oscar and BAFTA contenders.  More importantly, the films are inspiring positive changes in public behavior and in political and corporate decisions that are leading to recoveries of endangered wildlife, vulnerable communities, and ecosystems.

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Freeland Film Festival Announce Opening Film

In her film β€œThe Last Animals,” photographer turned filmmaker Kate Brooks traces the deadly trade of illegally poached rhino horn and elephant ivory across four continents, traveling from protected areas in Africa to wildlife markets in Asia and North America in order to illustrate the complex web of global consumer demand, transnational criminal syndicates and the local conflicts and political problems that contribute to the current poaching epidemic. Along the way, Brooks also meets with investigators, scientists, zookeepers and rangers engaged in an all-too-often life threatening struggle to preserve the last remaining elephants and rhinos.

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