Our Bright Future

An Endowment to Sustain Town Square Community Center for Future Generations

Started as a grassroots project in 2012 by a few determined believers, Town Square Community Center today is the heartbeat of our community: the driving force for vibrancy and vitality in Green Lake. Many said it wouldn’t happen. It couldn’t happen. Green Lake is just too small for such an ambitious project. But it did happen. And it is happening. With gifts of time, talent and treasure, so many people have built Town Square through The Power of Community. Where would Green Lake be without this important hub of activity? What would happen if this historic building had been left to deteriorate on the main intersection of our beloved downtown?

What will Green Lake look like 10, 20 and 30 years from today? Now’s our time to decide.

It takes a big thinker to imagine and believe in a better tomorrow….and to have the courage to invest in making that happen. Those big, courageous, imaginative thinkers are the people investing in the Our Bright Future endowment.

We need to keep Town Square Going. And we need to keep Town Square Growing. This endowment will allow Town Square Community Center to:

  • Keep the Historic Structures Going

  • Continue to provide important programs and events for all people regardless of their ability to pay

You can be part of a true legacy as Town Square Community Center becomes our generation’s gift to Green Lake.

Your generous gift will become part of a professionally-managed investment fund that generates income to sustain the building and grow the organization now and forever. Every donation will add to the principal, and will generate income year after year, so that the building and the organization are secure, and your Town Square Community Center can focus on MEETING COMMUNITY NEEDS.

We invite you to join our generous group of Our Bright Future endowment donors. For a personal appointment to discuss your wishes, please contact Town Square Executive Director Kris Anderson at kanderson@greenlaketownsquare.org, call 920-807-0156 or stop by Town Square at 492 Hill Street in Green Lake.

Town Square is operated by Green Lake Renewal, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.