Caregiver Support Group


A Love Story

Once upon a time, a love story unfolded—not the kind penned in romance novels, but one etched in the daily acts of devotion between caregivers and their loved ones.

When Love Takes an Unexpected Turn

Take Joan's journey, for instance. Life with her husband was a dance of shared dreams and retirement plans until the music changed. "He has always been the love of my life," Joan reminisces. "When he started to fail, I began to get scared. The retirement plans that we had—I kept holding out hope would happen. It became more and more clear that this was something more serious than occasional forgetfulness."

Navigating the labyrinth of Alzheimer's is a path laden with uncertainty. In Green Lake County, with a population of 19,344 residents—6,126 of whom are 60 years and older—the likelihood of encountering dementia or Alzheimer's within our community is significant. Recognizing this, the Green Lake County Aging and Disabilities Resource Center (ADRC) has been championing support groups for caregivers at Town Square for over a year and a half.

The Birth of a Supportive Community

Before the pandemic, a caregiver support group existed but struggled to maintain engagement. Kristen Dorsch, GL County ADRC Program Coordinator, recalls, "The group disbanded during the pandemic. Someone in Green Lake had been going to a group in Columbus. She approached the ADRC and said she would help get something going in Green Lake. Word of mouth has helped it grow into quite a group in just 1.5 years."

That someone was Joan. Teaming up with her friend Dianne, who was facing similar challenges, they collaborated with the ADRC and Town Square to breathe life into a new support group. Now meeting twice a month year-round, this group has become a lifeline for many. Town Square, serving as a haven for various support groups—including Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, and the Caregiver’s Support Group—offers safe and neutral spaces for connection.

Shared Journeys, Shared Strength

Dianne, whose husband has Vascular Dementia, emphasizes the group's significance: "The whole concept of not trying to do it all yourself. Knowing you’re not alone and talking to people who understand you. We need each other and support one another. We are thankful for being here. We’re working on getting information specific to what we’re looking for."

The statistics are poignant. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 80% of adults with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias receive care in their homes. Over 11 million U.S. adults provide unpaid care for someone with a form of dementia, often for extended periods. Joan reflects on this reality: "When you have a spouse with Alzheimer's, no one knows what to say. Your world gets smaller, and often family members don’t help and come to give you a break."

Resources Beyond the Group

Beyond emotional support, the ADRC offers resources to assist caregivers. They can connect caregivers with in-home support and supplemental services, providing much-needed respite. Kristen notes, "The Theda Rural Health Initiative can come out and do flu shots, blood pressure, and more in your home, as well as provide dementia care specialists to explain what the disease is and what they’re experiencing."

In addition, the ADRC is launching a Memory Café at Town Square starting April 17, offering caregivers and their loved ones a chance to connect through enjoyable activities in a supportive environment.

Embracing New Roles with Love

Joan's journey took a turn when her husband moved into a care facility. "It was hard to know when was the right time," she admits. "He is healthier than he’s been in 8 years, and I can be his loving companion because he is safe and calm."

Dianne adds, "None of us have been on this journey before; we’re all moving forward to this place that we didn't even know because it is different for everyone."

An Invitation to Connect

The essence of caregiving is profound love and resilience. If you find yourself on this journey, remember: you are not alone. Joan encourages, "There are strong, caring, compassionate people who want to do the best they can for their loved one, so have the guts to come forward and get the support and resources you need. It’s not a pity party. It’s an act of strength and courage."

Indeed, it's an act of love. And at Town Square, love stories like these are written every day.

Learn more about the Caregiver’s Support Group and Memory Cafes here.